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WFP pauses staff travel in Gaza after attack on UN aid vehicle

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The World Food Programme said on Wednesday that it is pausing the movements of staff in Gaza until further notice, after a team from the UN agency came under fire on August 27, metres from an Israeli checkpoint at the Wadi Gaza bridge.
The team was returning from a mission to Karam Abu Salem in two armoured vehicles after escorting a convoy of lorries carrying humanitarian cargo to central Gaza.
Despite being clearly marked and having received several clearances from Israeli authorities to approach, the vehicle was struck by gunfire as it moved towards a checkpoint, the UN said.
It was hit at least 10 times, five times on the driver’s side, two on the passenger side and three on other parts.
The UN agency said none of the employees in the vehicle were harmed.
The WFP has expressed great concern over the incident and said the suspension of staff movements is a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of its personnel.
The organisation is in contact with Israeli authorities to investigate the circumstances surrounding the attack.
“This is totally unacceptable and the latest in a series of unnecessary security incidents that have endangered the lives of WFP’s team in Gaza,” said the agency’s executive director Cindy McCain.
“As last night’s events show, the current deconfliction system is failing and this cannot go on any longer. I call on the Israeli authorities and all parties to the conflict to act immediately to ensure the safety and security of all aid workers in Gaza.”
UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters: “This is the latest incident to underscore that systems in place for co-ordination are not working and we continue to work with the [Israeli military] to ensure that incidents like that do not happen again.”
